Plan your participation at the Awards Ceremony!

The whole Eduki team wishes you a Happy New Year 2024! There's plenty to look forward to, as the Eduki Competition Awards Ceremony is fast approaching!

Entries for the competition are now closed and with almost 1,900 participants and over 180 projects the 2023/2024 competition is shaping up to be a memorable one! Our team is hard at work on the awards ceremony on 15 May, so we've got some great surprises in store for you. Still not sure whether you'll be coming to the ceremony? Here's what might convince you!

The ceremony is a unique opportunity to discover the Palais des Nations, a historic site and a major venue for international summits! Come and attend an event in one of the most impressive rooms of the Palais and give your students the chance to sit where many leading figures have debated and taken major decisions for the world. But be warned, places are limited!

In addition, you and your students will be offered a variety of activities in the run-up to the ceremony to help you discover a little more about International Geneva, with visits of various institutions as well as enriching and original experiences! You'll find out more very soon, but don't forget to block the whole day of 15 May.

Worried about travel costs? Eduki can help you out with train travel by financing day tickets on the day of the Ceremony! We can also provide you with a list of local accommodation if you want to enjoy Geneva for an extra day and take more time for our activities.

Important reminder: the deadline for submitting your projects is 29 February!

Projects in the 3 categories must be submitted by 29 February, but don't wait until the last minute to send in your work! For projects in the "concrete action" category, don't forget to complete our technical form in PDF format. For media productions or artworks, remember to send us your projects before the deadline. Would you like your art project or that of your students to be exhibited at the ceremony? Then contact the team to arrange for your artwork to be deposited at the Eduki office, Route de Ferney 106, 1202 Geneva.

Françoise Demole Award

Projects submitted in the "concrete Action" category by Secondary II classes are eligible for the Françoise Demole Award. Would you like to see your project recognized and supported, with a grant of up to CHF 10,000? Don't hesitate to apply!

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us by e-mail at or call us on 022 919 42 09 (Mon-Thu 9am to 5.30pm).

We look forward to seeing many of you in Geneva on 15 May!

Partners of the Eduki Competition 2023/2024

Let's stay in touch!
022 919 42 09

Fondation Eduki
Route de Ferney 106
1202 Genève