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Register now for the Awards Ceremony and our activities!

How can you profit most from your participation in the Awards Ceremony on May 15? By taking part in activities with Eduki and the competition partners, and discovering international Geneva! Start by registering for the ceremony via the button below, until March 15!

Photo credits : Sigfredo Haro, 2022

Then choose an activity!

On the morning of May 15, you'll have the chance to take part in activities (one per class) before attending the awards ceremony, which will take place from 2 to 4 p.m. in one of the emblematic halls of the Palais des Nations. The activities are specially designed for students and their teachers registered for the competition, offering a unique opportunity to gain a better understanding of the areas covered by the Eduki Competition and the world of international Geneva. Click on the program to see the list of activities and how to register.

Please note that the number of places for these activities is limited, and some activities are offered only in a specific language. Reservations are taken on a first-come, first-served basis. So, don't miss out on all these opportunities to enrich your visit to Geneva!

Don't forget to submit your project before February 29!

The deadline for submitting your projects is approaching fast, so please don't wait until the last minute! To help you submit your projects online, we've provided you with a set of instructions here to help you make the submission process as smooth as possible. For everyone in the « Artwork » category, please remember to send your projects to the Eduki Foundation office at Route de Ferney 106, 1202 Geneva, so that they can be displayed at the Palais des Nations during the awards ceremony!

Françoise Demole Award

Projects in the « Concrete Action » category from Secondary II classes are eligible for the Françoise Demole Award. Would you like to see your project recognized and supported, with an award of up to 10,000 francs? Don't hesitate to apply!

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us by e-mail: or call us on 022 919 42 09 (Mon-Thu 9am to 5:30pm).

Partners of the Eduki Competition 2023/2024

Let's stay in touch!
022 919 42 09

Fondation Eduki
Route de Ferney 106
1202 Genève